Whether this is the first time you’ve requested sponsorship from us or we’ve been sponsoring your race(s) for years, we’re excited at the opportunity to possibly partner with you. Over the years our event sponsorships have grown tremendously so in order for us to continue to provide the service we strive for and that you expect, we need your help. Please read everything thoroughly!
This is what we can provide for your event:
• One (1) single serving-sized sample of a GoldNutrition fuel – For including in the goody bags
GoldDrink to be used on-course for your event
• GoldNutrition banner(s)
• Product brochures – For including in the goody bags, 1 per bag
In return for our product support, we respectfully ask the following of you:
• That before you accept sponsorship from any other nutrition company, you inform us first so as to avoid conflict of interest issues.
• That you please make sure goody bags are stuffed with our product samples and our product brochures.
• That our banner(s) is/are hung in a visible location at the race venue.
• That our GoldNutrition “badge” logo* appears on the event website, hyperlinked to our site at www.goldnutrition.ie
• Send out 3 or 7 newsletters content and other information to participants leading up and geared towards your event.
• If you are producing registration forms/race materials and can include our logo on them, it would be greatly appreciated.
• That any of the GoldNutrition logos* appear on event shirts if you are producing and providing them to race participants.
• That GoldNutrition is mentioned as a sponsor via PA announcements at the race (if this is available).
• If you are producing a race magazine in which a GoldNutrition ad is needed or required, please contact info@goldnutrition.ie a minimum of 30 days prior to the deadline/due date.
• Unless you are able to pick up your event products from our warehouse Dublin, Ireland, you will be responsible for the shipping charge(s) for your donated order(s).
*NOTE: A variety of GoldNutrition logos can be downloaded from our Logos page. Please feel free to use whichever one you prefer.